Press Releases

Focus Ireland Press Releases provide the very latest information issued to media outlets.
Our most up-to-date releases in relation to homelessness and housing can be viewed below.


As homelessness hits another record total of 11,397 Focus Ireland says rising homelessness is not inevitable but more urgent and effective action is required to end crisis

Figures published by the Department of Housing today show the number of people officially homeless has hit another record of 11,397. That is an increase of 422 people in only one month compared to the 10,975 homeless in September.


Focus Housing Association to deliver 95 much-needed public homes in Cabra, Dublin

Focus Housing Association, the approved housing body (AHB) arm of homeless and housing charity Focus Ireland, today welcomed the granting of planning permission for the delivery of 95 public homes in Cabra in north Dublin.


Homelessness rises to 10,975 as Focus Ireland states monthly figures are not an accurate reflection of the crisis due to near full Emergency Accommodation

Figures published by the Department of Housing today show the number of people who are officially homeless has risen for a 9th month in a row to 10,975. The monthly figures have also reached a new record level for the third consecutive month. The latest stats are an increase of 170 since the previous August figure of 10,805 and a 2,500 increase from only a year ago (8,475 in September 2021).


Homelessness hits record high of 10,805 & Focus Ireland warns of a worsening crisis ahead

Figures published by the Department of Housing today show the number of people who are officially homeless has reached yet another record high of 10,805 people. This is an increase of 237 since the July figure of 10,568 and a 32% increase from only a year ago (8,212 in August 2021). 


Focus Ireland Prebudget Submission Calls for Urgent Action to Prioritise Homeless Households for Social Housing as Homelessness Hits Record High

Focus Ireland issued its Pre-Budget Submission today which calls for urgent action to restore priority for homeless households in allocating social housing as the numbers homeless has hit a record high.


Focus Ireland Calls for Emergency Response by Government as Numbers Homeless Hits a Record High

Figures published by the Department of Housing today show the number of people who are officially homeless has reached a record high of 10,568 people. This is an increase of 76 since the June figure of 10,492 and a shocking 30% increase from only a year ago (8,132 in July 2021).