Local Authorities
Local Authority Contact
Housing Services Department,
Carlow County Council,
Tullow Civic Offices,
Inner Relief Road,
Co Carlow
Phone: 059 917 0300
Email: secretar@carlowcoco.ie
Opening hours: 9:30-5:00 Monday to Friday
Shane Clarke, Social Worker
Phone: 059 917 2470
Email: sclarke@carlowcoco.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Monastery Hostel
Short-term emergency accommodation for men, offering training and education support, care planning, social and living support, and tenancy sustainment.
Address: Dublin Road,
Co Carlow
Phone: 059 914 0322
Email: svpmonasteryhostel@eircom.net
Residential Rehab
St. Francis Farm Detox Unit
The programme is focused on men and women over 18 years old. Individual tailored treatment plans are offered, with a full medically supervised detoxification programme.
Address: St. Francis Farm,
Co Carlow
Phone: 059 9186761 / 087 960 3905
Email: info.SFFdetox@mqi.ie
Local Authority Contact
Cavan County Council,
Farnham street,
Co Cavan
Phone: 049 437 8300
Email: housing@cavancoco.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Cavan/Monaghan Mental Health Services
The service provides individual one to one addiction counselling via GP referral. It is a Monday – Friday service.
Address: St. Davnet’s Campus
Co Monaghan
Phone: 047 774 00
Local Authority Contact
Homeless Action Team,
Housing and Social Services,
Clare County Council,
Áras Contae an Chláir,
New Road,
Co Clare
Phone: 065 684 6291
Email: homeless@clarecoco.ie
Anne Marie Greer Casey, Resettlement Officer
Phone: 065 684 6291
Email: agcasey@clarecoco.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Laurel Lodge (SVP)
This short-term accommodation service provides short-term accommodation for men and provides meals and support to residents.
Address: Clare Road,
Co Clare
Phone: 065 682 8005
Email: laurel.lodge@svp.ie
Clare Haven Refuge
Refuge open to women and children experiencing abusive relationships. Contains family units, and provides support and an individualised care-plan.
Address (drop-in): Munster House,
Gort Road Business Park,
Gort Road,
Co Clare
Opening hours: 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday
Phone: 065 682 2435
Email: clientcare@clarehaven.ie
Transitional Accommodation
Clare Haven Refuge
Transitional accommodation open to women and children experiencing abusive relationships who have accessed the refuge and are ready to live alone, with some additional support. Contains two houses.
Address (drop-in): Munster House,
Gort Road Business Park,
Gort Road,
Co Clare
Opening hours: 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday
Email: clientcare@clarehaven.ie
Residential Rehab
Bushy Park Treatment Centre
Offers a range of services to people affected by addiction either directly or indirectly.
Address: Bushy Park House,
Co Clare
Phone: 065 684 0944
Email: bushyparkhouse@clarecare.ie
Cork Local Authority Contact
Accommodation Placement Service,
Cork City Council,
City Hall,
Anglesea Street,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 480 5495
Email: homeless@corkcity.ie
Aileen O’ Connor, Administrative Officer
Phone: 021 496 6222
Email: aileen_oconnor@corkcity.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Emergency Shelter (Simon Communities)
Provides accommodation and support for men and women on a 24 hour basis. Each individual is assigned a key worker to assess needs and draw up a care plan.
Address: Anderson’s Quay,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 427 8728
Web: www.corksimon.ie
Email: shelter@corksimoncommunity.org
Cuanlee Refuge
Refuge consists of self-contained family units, and provides individualised care and support for those experiencing domestic violence.
Address: Kyrls Quay,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 427 7698
Email: info@cuanleerefuge.org
Web: www.cuanleerefuge.org
Edel House (Good Shepherd Services)
Residential centre for women and girls who are homeless, offering emergency and medium-term accommodation.
Address: Grattan Street,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 427 4240
Email: scwedelhouse@goodshepherd.ie
Web: www.goodshepherdservices.ie
Riverview (Good Shepherd Services)
Service offers emergency residential placements for young women aged 16-19 who are homeless, with a maximum stay of 6 months.
Address: 3 North Mall,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 430 4205
Email: residentialcare@goodshepherdcork.ie
St. Vincent’s Hostel (SVP)
Hostel provides short-term supported accommodation for men who are homeless, including those with mental health or addiction issues.
Address: Anglesea Terrace,
Anglesea Street,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 431 7899
Deerpark House (SVP)
Hostel provides short-term accommodation for men who are homeless over the age of 40.
Address: Friars Walk,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 431 1071
Email: deerpark.house@svp.ie
Addiction/Rehab Residential Care
Fellowship House
Provides a 12 week residential extended treatment programme for men in recovery from alcohol, drugs, and gambling.
Address: Fellowship House,
Men’s Extended Residential Treatment,
C/O Good Shepard House,
Convent Avenue,
Sundays Well,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 488 7110
Email: info@taborgroup.ie
St. Helen’s Convent (Missionaries of Charity)
Residential care for men with alcohol, drug addiction. There is no charge for project, and no provision of primary treatment.
Address: St. Helen’s Convent,
Missionary Charities,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 438 1687
Renewal (Tabor Lodge)
Extended treatment centre for women who are in the early stages of recovery from addiction.
Address: Renewal,
Women’s Extended Residential Treatment,
Blarney Road,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 488 7110
Transitional Accommodation
Bessborough Centre
Supported accommodation for pregnant women who are homeless. Offers support regarding unplanned pregnancy and early parenting difficulties, and includes a creche and a key-worker system.
Address: Blackrock,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 435 7730
Email: info@bessborough.ie
Cork Foyer
Provides accommodation, support, and training to young people who are homeless or leaving care, aged 18-24.
Address: Assumption Road,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 428 8524
Email: corkfoyer@corkcity.ie
Residential service for young women aged 16-23 who are homeless, including those leaving care. Supports those who may require assistance to make transition from foster care to independent living. Consists of 8 single rooms with shared facilities.
Address: Wandesford Quay,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 431 8953
Email: olivia@wellsprings.ie
Right of Place Second Chance
Offers 10 transitional apartments for former residents (and their dependents) of religious-run industrial schools, and victims of institutional child abuse. Has 1 apartment designed for wheelchair access. Support is offered to find long-term suitable accommodation.
Contact: Regina McCormack
Address: 100/101 Lower Glanmire Road,
Co Cork
Phone: 085 876 8927/ 1890 200 709
Email: regina.mccormack@rightofplace.com
Supported Accommodation
Clanmornin House (Simon Community)
High-support residential and transitional accommodation for adults
who were formerly homeless and have a proven inability to live independently.
Address: Boreenmanna Road,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 4318 714
Email: bmrcs@corksimon.ie
Mill House (Simon Community)
High-support residential and transitional accommodation for adults who were formerly homeless and have a proven inability to live independently.
Address: Anderson’s Quay,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 4274 873
Tír na nÓg (Simon Community)
High-support residential and transitional accommodation for adults who were formerly homeless and have a proven inability to live independently.
Address: Blackrock,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 435 0145
Victoria Road (Simon Community)
High-support residential and transitional accommodation for adults who were formerly homeless and have a proven inability to live independently.
Address: 6 Parkview,
Victoria Road,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 431 5262
Mount Cara
Residential accommodation for those who are homeless, over 65 years of age. Offers short-term respite.
Address: Redemption Road,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 439 5737
Email: carahouse@eircom.net
O’Connell Court
Supported accommodation for senior citizens and older homeless adults 50yrs plus with mental health issues.
Address: Doughcloyne,
Togher Cross,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 431 6076
Email: info@oconnellcourt.ie
Contact: Catherine Cogan, Manager
Mobile: 087 813 5237
Tenancy Support and Sustainment (Focus Ireland)
Service provides settlement support to households who are moving out of homelessness and into a new home by supporting them in physically moving into their new homes as well as providing supports like accessing entitlements and facilitating access to health services and budgeting services.
Address: 80a Hibernian House,
South Mall,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 427 3646
Leaving Institutions (Prison/Care)
Prison In-Reach (Focus Ireland)
Service works with prisoners to prevent them becoming homeless on their release from prison. Staff achieve this through the provision of pre-release supports that ensure a successful transition from prison to suitable accommodation, also working with them to sustain their accommodation.
Address: 80a Hibernian House,
South Mall,
Co Cork
Phone: 021 427 3646 / 086 602 9591
Email: mcrowley@focusireland.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Arbour House Treatment Centre
Services Provided: Consultation/assessment, Family Programmes, methadone treatment, out-patient treatment for drug/alcohol addicted adults and young people.
Address: St. Finbarr’s Hospital,
Douglas Road
Cork City
Co Cork
Phone: 021 496 8933
Email: david.wyse@hse.ie
Community Counselling and Advice Service
Counselling and advice service.
Address: Cork Counselling Service,
1st Floor Heron House
Blackpool Retail Park
Co Cork
Phone: 021 492 8300
Local Authority Contact
Donegal County Council,
County House,
The Diamond,
Co Donegal
Phone: 074 915 3900
Email: info@donegalcoco.ie
Donegal County Council will refer to relevant public service centre in county.
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
St. Colmcille Hostel for the Homeless
Provides short-term accommodation single units, catering for men, women, and families.
Address: Sallaghraine,
Co Donegal
Phone: 074 912 8998
Donegal Women’s Domestic Violence Service
Provides information and support on refuges available for women and their children.
Address: P.O Box 55
Co Donegal
Phone: 1800 262 677 (24 hour helpline)
Email: ddvsrefuge@gmail.com
Addiction/Rehab Residential Centre
White Oaks Rehabilitation Centre
Centre provides service to recover from addiction. Accommodation comprises a unit of 12 beds, 5 units at the ‘Sanctuary’, and 2 units adjacent to Centre.
Address: Derryvane,
Co Donegal
Phone: 074 938 4400
Email: info@whiteoakscentre.com
Supported Accommodation
North-West Simon Supported Housing
This Tenancy Sustainment Support service accepts referrals from Donegal County Council, and comprises 42 units.
Address: Unit 9 Riverfront House,
Pearse Road,
Co Donegal
Phone: 074 912 1613
Email: housingsupport@northwestsimon.ie
Web: www.northwestsimon.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Helpline number: 074 912 8769
Local Authority Contact
Homeless Persons Unit
Provides payments under Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme & offers advice on payments.
Women & families: Irish Families/Women and New Communities Unit, 77 Lower Gardiner Street, Dublin 1
Phone: 1800 724 724 (Enquiries freephone)
Opening hours:
Monday – Wednesday – 09:30 to 12:00
Thursday – 10:30 to 12:00.
Friday – 09:30 to 12:00
Appointment/walk in: Walk in service
Men: HPU – Men’s Unit, North Cumberland Street, Dublin 1
Opening hours:
Monday – Wednesday – 09:30 to 12:00
Thursday – 10:30 to 12:00.
Friday – 09:30 to 12:00
Phone: 1800 724 724 (Enquiries freephone)
Appointment/walk in: Appointment only via number above.
Local Authority Assessment & Placement Service (Dublin City Council)
This service provides information and advice and an initial contact assessment to place those who are homeless into temporary accommodation. It also assigns people a Housing Officer, who will work with the individual to put in place more long-term accommodation options.
6-9 Conyngham Road,
Parkgate Hall,
Dublin 8
Opening Hours: 10:00-12:00/2:00-4:00 Mon to Fri.
Email: homelesslist@dublincity.ie
Phone: 01 222 3848
24-hour homeless helpline: Freephone 1800 707 707
Web: http://www.homelessdublin.ie/
Assessment & Placement Service
Housing Department – Fingal County Council,
Grove Road,
Dublin 15
Opening hours: 10:00-12:30; 2:30-3:30 Mon to Fri
Phone: If you have never been homeless before; 01 890 5090
If you have already presented to the Homeless Unit and have been assessed as homeless; 01 890-5800
Email: homeless@fingalcoco.ie
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
Assessment & Placement Service
Housing Department -Dun Laoghaire- Rathdown County Council,
County Hall,
Marine Road,
Dun Laoghaire,
Co Dublin
Opening hours: 10am-12pm Mon to Fri
2pm-4pm Mon to Fri for repeat presentations
Phone: 01 205 4700
Email: homeless@dlrcoco.ie
South Dublin
Assessment & Placement Service
Housing Department – South Dublin County Council,
County Hall,
Dublin 24
Opening hours: 10am-12pm Mon to Fri
2pm-4pm Mon to Fri (by appointment only)
Phone: 01 414 9000
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Caretakers (Focus Ireland)
This project works to prevent young people who are homeless and actively drug-using becoming long-term homeless by targeting their transition from care. In partnership with the St Vincent DePaul, the project provides safe, high-standard emergency accommodation with access to drug treatment services. Service also offer a Case Management service, providing one-to-one advice and support to young people.
Phone: 01 4537904
Email: caretakers@focusireland.ie
Grange Lodge (Focus Ireland)
This is a residential service which offers accommodation for young people, male and female, aged 16-18 years, for a period of 6 months. Part of the TUSLA crisis intervention service, the aim of the service is to provide young people who are experiencing homelessness a stable placement from which to address their educational, social, health and emotional needs.
Phone: 01 838 6054
Email: ots@focusireland.ie
Emergency Homeless Shelter (Simon Communities)
Low threshold support temporary accommodation for single men, single women and couples who are homeless. The service is open 24/7. People who are homeless can be referred for a night or can stay for up to six months when they are referred to a long-term bed. Every resident is assigned a member of staff who will continue to work with them throughout their stay.Referrals to emergency shelter are made through the Central Placement Service (CPS).
Address of CPS: Parkgate Hall,
6-9 Conyngham Road,
Dublin 8
Newly presenting to CPS: Opening hours 10:00-12:00, 2:00-4:00 Mon to Fri.
Repeat presenting to CPS: Call 1800 707 707 (between 2:00-4:00)
Web: http://www.dubsimon.ie/Services/EmergencyShelter.aspx
Backlane Hostel (SVP & DePaul Ireland)
Provides short term accommodation to men over 18 who are homeless. Support is given to older residents and those who have physical or intellectual disabilities.
Address: Back Lane,
Dublin 8
Phone: 01 454 2181
Email: svpbacklane@yahoo.com
Web: www.svp.ie
Rendu Apartments (SVP)
Short-term accommodation provided for women and women with children. Staff provide support to link into services and secure move-on accommodation.
Address: North William Street,
Dublin 1
Phone: 01 836 3548/ 874 5374
Transitional Accommodation
Step-Down (Focus Ireland)
This residential programme offers adult men and women, who have completed rehabilitation, short-term appropriate housing where they can live independently in a supported environment. Working in partnership with other organisations in the delivery of the service, staff support participants of the programme in things like accessing appropriate long-term accommodation.
Address: Stanhope Green,
Stanhope Street,
Dublin 7
Phone: 01 671 1219
Email: stanhopesupport@focusireland.ie
Supported Accommodation
Long-term Supported Housing (Focus Ireland)
This service targets single people, families and couples who have identified support needs, and provides either on-site or visiting support to people who are in vulnerable situations or living with issues such as mental health or other health difficulties, and who may not be able to sustain their tenancy in their own home without this housing support. Staff also identify underlying issues that may place a tenancy at risk and work with the household to ensure that these are addressed.
Address: Stanhope Green,
Stanhope Street,
Dublin 7
Phone: 01 671 1219
Email: stanhopesupport@focusireland.ie
Address: George’s Hill Apartments,
Halston Street,
Dublin 7
Phone: 01 878 6514
Email: georgeshill@focusireland.ie
Address: Housing First,
14a Eustace St,
Dublin 2
Phone: 01 671 2555
Email: info@dublinhousingfirst.ie
Support to Live Independently (Slí) (Focus Ireland & Peter McVerry Trust)
This service is a settlement service providing visiting support to households that will assist them to occupy, or continue to occupy, their housing and progress from homelessness towards independent living.
Contact person: James Donnelly
Contact Address: 494 North Circular Road,
Dublin 1
Phone: 01 894 2724 / 086 0255075
Email: james.donelly@focusireland.ie
Emergency Accommodation (Focus Ireland)
This supported temporary accommodation works with families who are homeless and have complex needs. Intensive support is provided in response to a variety of needs, including drug and alcohol addiction; relationship difficulties; anger management; and mental and physical health issues. The service also offers a childcare facility to children of the families.
Address: Aylward Green,
Cappagh Road,
Finglas West,
Dublin 11
Phone: (01) 834 7660
George’s Hill Support Temporary Accommodation (Focus Ireland)
This service meets is aimed at young people aged 18-25 years who are homeless and have support needs. The service offers a 6-month key-working and case management service to support customers in accessing services and progressing towards long-term accommodation.
Address: Block 4
George’s Hill
Halston Street
Dublin 7
Phone: (01) 878 6514
Email: GeorgesHillSTA@focusireland.ie
Leaving Institutions (Prison/Care)
Irish Aftercare Network
Provides support to people working with Care Leavers irishaftercare.com
Addiction Counselling Services
Referral Service, GPs, Drop in Centres, Needle Exchange
Treatment Centres, Satellite Clinics, Community Support Groups, Counselling, Information, Prevention & Education
Address: Phibsboro Tower
Dublin 7
Phone: 01 882 0300
Email: mail@mailc.hse.ie
Local Drug Task Force
Address: Clancarthy Road
Dublin 5
Phone: (01) 846 5070
North Dublin Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force
A service for people (under 18s and adults) in North County Dublin affected by substance use.
Address: Unit 25 Town Centre Mall,
Swords Village,
Co Dublin
Phone: 01 813 1786
Email: info@ndublinrdtf.ie
Web: ndublinrdtf.ie
Alcohol Services
Residential Treatment Programme, Information Programme, Night Programme, Relapse Prevention Programme, Dual Diagnosis Group.
Address: Stanhope Centre,
Stanhope Street,
Dublin 7
Phone: 01 677 3965/ / 677 9447
Web: www.stanhopeservice.com
St. Michael’s Ward
Services include referral procedure, stabilisation service, detox and stabilisation unit and aftercare.
Address: Beaumont Hospital,
Dublin 9
Phone: 01 809 3288
Cuan Dara
Provides services for individuals with substance dependency. Poly substance abusers who have a primary addiction to an opiate are also accepted. Stabilisation, detox & aftercare
services also provided.
Address: Cherry Orchard Hospital,
Dublin 10
Phone: 01 620 6050/ 07669 55050
The provide a holistic rehabilitation service for people at various stages of recovery from drug addiction, including; Addiction education, recovery group sessions, individual
care planning, literacy support, QQI- accredited education, career guidance & aftercare. If you have been through residential treatment and are drug-free, the Green Street programme will support you during the early stages of your recovery.
Address: Soilse,
Basement Offices,
16-22 Green Street,
Dublin 1
Phone: 01 872 4535
Email: soilse@hse.ie
Addiction, rehabilitation & training centre for males & females over 18 years who are stable on medication. The Henrietta Place service is designed to help you to prepare for detox and residential treatment.
Address: 1-2 Henrietta Place
Dublin 1
Phone:(01) 872 4922
Email: soilsehp@hse.ie
8 week programme with a strong emphasis on occupational work.
Address: St. Mary’s Hospital
Phoenix Park
Dublin 20
Phone: (01) 620 0040
Email: peter.sherry@hse.ie
The Lantern- Peter McVerry Trust
Service for drug users wishing to detox from methadone.
Address: The Lantern
Dublin 20
Phone: (01) 823 0776/ 087 051 6389
Email: referrals@pmvtrust.ie
Tallaght Addiction Services
Addiction services, community alcohol service, community drug team & YoDa- Youth Drug and Alcohol Service.
Address: Glen Abbey Centre
Belgard Road
Dublin 24
Phone: 01 4513894
Residential Rehab
New Hope Residential Centre
Enables men who are seeking change from a life of addiction to a life of abstinence through a structured rehabilitation programme and aftercare supports.
Address: New Hope Residential Centre
Kiltalown Cottage
Dublin 24
Phone: (01) 451 2346
Email: info@nhrc.ie
Residential Drug Free Aftercare (PMVT)
Service targeting people in recovert from their drug misuse who would otherwise be homeless upon completion of a residential Drug treatment programme. Male or female
aged 18+.
Address: Referral & Assessment Team
29 Mountjoy Square,
Dublin 1
Phone: (01) 823 0776
Email: info@pmvtrust.ie
The Rutland Centre
Provides a 5 week residential treatment programme. There is also a general outpatient programmed & Eating Disorder Outpatient programme.
Address: Knocklyon Road,
Dublin 16
Phone: (01) 494 6358 (24 hour)
Email: info@rutlandcentre.ie
Coolmine Therapeutic Community
Treatment & Rehabilitation service.
Community and Day Services
Address: 19 Lord Edward Street,
Dublin 8
Tel: 01 6794822
Email: outreach@coolminetc.ie
Women’s Residential Programme
Address: Ashleigh House,
Damastown Walk,
Damastown Industrial Estate
Dublin 15
Tel: 018251100 / 0879834542
Men’s Residential Programme
Address: Coolmine Lodge,
Grove Road,
Dublin 15
Tel: 018214545 / 0879212727
Email: outreach@coolminetc.ie
Local Authority Contact
If you are at risk of becoming homeless;
GCC Social Work Services,
Galway County Council,
City Hall,
College Road,
Phone: 091 536400
Email: housing@galwaycity.ie
If you are homeless and need assistance;
Housing Department,
Galway City Council,
City Hall,
College Road,
Co Galway
Phone: 091 894372
Out of Hour Service: 7:00pm-11:00pm Mon to Sun to provide assistance to households who are homeless and in need of emergency accommodation. Must present to local Housing Authority the next day for homeless assessment.
Phone: 1800 788 887 (from landlines only)
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Fairgreen Hostel (COPE)
Emergency accommodation and support for men experiencing homelessness. Provides meals, access to laundry, medical and addiction services. Must be registered as homeless by local Housing authority. 24 hour, 7 day service.
Address: Forster Street,
Co Galway
Phone: 091 568 818
Email: fairgreen@copegalway.ie
Web: www.copegalway.ie
Osterley Lodge (COPE)
Hostel for women experiencing homelessness. Must be registered as homeless by local Housing authority. 24 hour, 7 day service.
Address: 140 Lower Salthill,
Co Galway
Phone: 091 521 301
Email: osterley@copegalway.ie
Web: www.copegalway.ie
Teach Corrib Day Centre (COPE)
Teach Corrib is a drop in Day Centre offering a range of services for individual men and women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, with access to health & wellbeing services.
Address: Teach Corrib Day Centre,
Westside House,
Seamus Quirke Road,
Co Galway
Phone: 091 525 259
Email: daycentre@copegalway.ie
Web: www.copegalway.ie
Opening hours: 8:30-4:00 Monday-Friday, 8:30-2:30 Saturday
Waterside (COPE)
Provides refuge accommodation and support to women and their children experiencing domestic violence.
Phone: 091 565 985 (24 hour helpline)
Email: waterside@copegalway.ie
Addiction/Rehab Residential Care
Cuan Mhuire
Residential rehabilitation programme for those with addiction problems.
Address: Coolarne,
Phone: (091) 797 102
Email: coolarne@cuanmhuire.ie
Transitional Accommodation
Towards Independence Project (COPE)
Facilitates men who were homeless to move on from emergency accommodation, but who are not yet ready for independent living. Referrals accepted from COPE Galway Fairgreen Hostel and COPE Galway Day Centre; potential referrals identified also via Case Review meetings
Address: Bridge House,
Dyke Road,
Co Galway
Phone: (091) 533 959
Email: info@copegalway.ie / bigoe@copegalway.ie
Web: www.copegalway.ie
Supported Accommodation
Resettlement and Tenancy Support Service (COPE)
Provides structured support to men and women moving out of homelessness to independent living, and those in need of on-going tenancy support. Referrals accepted from COPE Galway Emergency (Fairgreen Hostel and Osterley Lodge) and Transitional Accommodation (Towards Independence Project) in advance of or at the point someone is moving to their own accommodation; referrals also accepted from Teach Corrib Day Centre and other agencies where someone is identified as in need of tenancy support; Self referrals also accepted.
Address: 12a Ruxton Court,
Dominick Street,
Phone: (091) 533 959
Email: info@copegalway.ie
Web: www.copegalway.ie
Family Support Service (COPE)
Provides re-settlement and tenancy support to families. Self-referrals and referral from the local Housing Authority and from other agencies and services in contact with families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Address: Teach Corrib Day Centre,
Westside House,
Seamus Quirke Road,
Co Galway
Phone: (091) 527 571
Email: familiessupport@copegalway.ie
Web: www.copegalway.ie
Opening hours: 8:30-4:00 Monday-Friday, 8:30-2:30 Saturday
Addiction Counselling Services
Merlin Park Regional Hospital
The hospital provides a comprehensive range of services to emergency & elective patients on an inpatient, outpatient and day care basis across the two sites.
Address: Merlin Park Regional Hospital
Co Galway
Phone: (091) 751 411
Local Authority Contact
Housing Department,
Kerry County Council,
Co. Kerry.
Phone: (066) 718 3862
Email: housing@kerrycoco.ie
Homeless Information Centre
3 Courthouse lane,
Co. Kerry
Phone: (066) 711 7633
Supported Accommodation
Arlington Lodge (Novas)
Temporary supported facility for those who are homeless. Caters for those over 18 years, who are unable to maintain their own accommodation.
Address: 5 Church Street,
Co. Kerry
Phone: (066) 719 3800
Email: ronan.doherty@novas.ie
Knocklee House (Novas)
Temporary supported 8 bed facility for clients with varying support needs. Prepares residents for fully independent life.
Address: Ballyseedy,
Co. Kerry
Phone: (066) 719 7025
Email: ronan.doherty@novas.ie
Killeen Woods (Novas)
Long-term support accommodation for 5 individuals, with low-level support needs.
Address: Killeen Woods,
Co. Kerry
Phone: (066) 719 3800
Golf Links (Novas)
Five bed house for older people who are homeless and have addiction and/or mental health issues.
Address: Gold Links Road,
Co. Kerry
Phone: (066) 719 3800
Local Authority Contact
Kildare County Council,
Áras Chill Dara,
Devoy Park,
Co. Kildare
Phone: (045) 980 705
Email: homelesshousing@kildarecoco.ie
Aoife Maguire, Homeless Outreach Worker
Phone: (045) 980 447
Email: amaguire@kildarecoco.ie
Ruth O’Reilly, Homeless Outreach Worker
Phone: (045) 980 679
Email: roreilly@kildarecoco.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Peter McVerry Trust hostel
A short-stay night shelter.
Address: Eyre Street,
Co. Kildare
Phone: (045) 435 553
Email: egreenan@pmvtrust.ie
Out of Hours Emergency Freephone
The Out of Hours Information and Advice Service for Kildare is operated by Peter McVerry Trust on behalf of Kildare County Council.
This service offers information and advice to those at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness in Kildare. The freephone number operates outside of Kildare County Council’s office hours and at weekends.
Freephone: 1800 804 307
Freephone Operating Hours: The freephone number is active from 5 pm – 9 pm Monday to Friday. It operates from Noon – 5 pm Saturdays and Sundays.
Mount Offaly House
Short-term accommodation for people who are homeless.
Address: Carlow road,
Co. Kildare
Phone: (059) 863 8243
Addiction/Rehab Residential Care
Cuan Mhuire
This is a rehabilitation centre where 39 bed spaces are available. Generally referrals are for alcohol addiction.
Address: Athy,
Co. Kildare
Phone: (059) 86 31090/ (059) 86 31493
Email: athy@cuanmhuire.ie
Web: www.cuanmhuire.ie
Supported Accommodation
Tenancy Support & Sustainment (Focus Ireland)
In partnership with the HSE mental health services, the Genio mental health project provides accommodation and supports individuals with mental health needs who are moving from a residential or family setting to independent living in the community.
Address: 14A Eustace Street,
Dublin 2
Phone: (01) 671 2555
Email: TSSNorthEast@focusireland.ie
Local Authority Contact
Housing Office,
Kilkenny County Council,
John’s Green House,
John’s Green,
Phone: (056) 779 4900
Email: housing@kilkennycoco.ie
Maura Hickey, Homeless Officer
Phone: 056 779 4974
Email: maura.hickey@kilkennycoco.ie
Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Good Shepherd Centre
The service provides emergency accommodation for men who are homeless on a 24 hour, 365 days a year basis. The service also offers advice to people wishing to move out of homelessness.
Address: Church Lane,
Phone: (056) 772 2566 / 087 0671188
Email: info@gsck.ie
Amber Women’s Refuge
Offers accommodation and support to homeless women. The service includes a personal action plan, and aftercare plan.
Address: Lacken,
Dublin road,
Phone: (056) 777 1404/ 1850 42 42 44 (24/7 helpline)
Short-Term Accommodation (Focus Ireland)
Along with the provision of accommodation, support is delivered in line with the needs of the resident and is aimed at facilitating their progression along the path towards independent sustainable living. Every resident is supported by a case worker who works in partnership with them in developing support plans.
Address: Unit 2, John’s Gate, Castlecomer Road,
Phone: (056) 779 4565
Email: kilkennyservices@focusireland.ie
Supported Accommodation
Tenancy Support & Sustainment (Focus Ireland)
The service provides settlement support to households who are moving out of homelessness and into a new home by supporting them in physically moving into new homes as well as providing supports like accessing entitlements and facilitating access to health and budgeting services.
Address: Unit 2, John’s Gate, Castlecomer Road,
Phone: (056) 779 4565
Email: kilkenny@focusireland.ie
Long-term Supported Housing (Focus Ireland)
Service for people who have identified support needs. On-site or visiting support is provided to people who are in vulnerable situations or living with issues such as mental health or other health difficulties, and who may not be able to sustain their tenancy in their own home without this housing support.
Address: Unit 2, John’s Gate, Castlecomer Road,
Phone: (056) 779 4565
Email: kilkenny@focusireland.ie
Local Authority Contact
Laois County Council
Áras an Chontae,
Co. Laois
Phone: (057) 866 4000
Housing Section
Laois County Council,
Áras an Chontae,
Co. Laois
Phone: (057) 866 4000
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Laois Domestic Abuse Services
Provide a referral service to a refuge in the county, for those suffering domestic violence.
Phone: (057) 867 1100 (Mon-Fri 09:30-12:30, 14:30-16:00)
Email: mary@laoisdomesticabuseservice.ie
Supported Accommodation
Regional Support Service – Homelessness (Simon Community)
Supports people to source suitable accommodation and maintain their home, along with assisting people to return to employment and education.
Address: Midlands Simon Community
P.O. Box 27,
Co. Westmeath
Phone: 090 6444 641
Email: info@midlandssimon.com
Residential Rehab
Aiseiri Aislinn
It provides treatment for young people between the age of 15-21 living with a destructive impact of alcohol, drugs &/or gambling.
Address: Aiseirí Aislinn,
Phone: (056) 883 3777
Email: info@aiseiri.ie
Local Authority Contact
Housing Department
Leitrim County Council,
Aras an Contae,
Co. Leitrim.
Phone: (071) 965 0426
Email: housing@leitrimcoco.ie
Web: www.leitrimcoco.ie
Supported Accommodation
North-West Simon Supported Housing
This Tenancy Sustainment Support service accepts referrals from Donegal County Council, and comprises 42 units.
Address: Unit 9 Riverfront House,
Pearse road,
Co. Donegal
Phone: 071 9147522
Email: housingsupport@northwestsimon.ie
Contact person: Michelle Lally
Web: www.northwestsimon.ie
Local Authority Contact
Housing Department,
Limerick County Council,
Merchants Quay,
Co Limerick
Phone: (061) 496 000
Email: housing@limerickcoco.ie
Limerick Homeless Action Team
Centre focuses on co-ordinating services for people who are homeless, supporting those who are homeless with mental health difficulties, resettlement and tenancy support of people from short-term emergency accommodation to independent living.
Address: 2 Church Street, St. John’s Square, Limerick
Phone: (061) 481212
Opening hours: 9:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday
Out of hours: 1 Mungret Street,
Co Limerick
Out of hours phone (24 hour free phone): 1800 606060
Contact: Stacey Markham
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
St. Patrick’s Hostel (SVP)
Short-term accommodation and care for men over 18. A care plan is outlined to identify the appropriate services to access. People in need of emergency accomodation or support can contact directly by phone. For longer-term support, people normally need to be referred by their local authority.
Address: Kilree Lodge,
Clare Street,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 317 245
Email: stpatricks.hostel@svp.ie
Suaimhneas (Respond!)
Emergency accommodation for homeless women and their children, which offers support, information and resources to help families to work towards their re-housing.
Address: 29 Ballygrennan Close,
Co Limerick
Phone: 051 840200
Contact: Orlaith Corr – Orlaith.corr@respond.ie
Brother Stephen Russell House (Novas Initiatives)
Service offers accommodation to men, including to those with addiction and mental health issues.
Address: Mulgrave street,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 317 180
Email: eugene.toner@novas.ie
Thomond House
Offers short-term accommodation and support services to women over 18.
Address: Thomond Gate,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 325 011
Email: actthomondhouse@eircom.net
Contact: Deirdre Cronin
ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services
Refuge accommodation is provided for women experiencing domestic violence. It offers self-contained apartments. There is a minimal charge for the accommodation.
Address: ADAPT house,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 412 354 / 1800 200 504
Helpline: 1 800 200 504
Email: info@adaptservices.ie
Web: www.adaptservices.ie
Short-term Accommodation (Focus Ireland)
This service provides short-term accommodation and supports people who have been homeless to address issues that may have contributed to their becoming homeless in the first instance and prepare them for moving on to independent living.
Address: Parnell Place,
Parnell Street,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 317 199
Email: grainne.madigan@focusireland.ie
Supported Accommodation
McGarry House (Novas Initiatives)
Offers temporary support accommodation to 30 women and men who are homeless. ‘Key-working’ and individualised care plans are provided, and (self-)referrals accepted.
Address: 7 Alphonus Street,
Phone: 061 467480
Email: sinead.carey@novas.ie
Tenancy Support & Sustainment (Focus Ireland)
The service provides settlement support to households who are moving out of homelessness and into a new home by supporting them in physically moving into new homes as well as providing supports like accessing entitlements and facilitating access to health and budgeting services.
Address: 7a Catherine Place,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 405 300
Email: infolimerick@focusireland.ie
Tenancy Support & Sustainment (Genio & Focus Ireland)
This service supports individuals with identified mental health needs who are moving from a residential or family setting to independent living in the community. The project provides a flexible, person-centred, home-visiting service to each individual.
Address: Parnell Place,
Parnell Street,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 317 199
Email: infolimerick@focusireland.ie
Leaving Institutions (Prison/Care)
Prison In-Reach (Focus Ireland)
This service works with prisoners to prevent them becoming homeless on their release from prison. Staff achieve this by ensuring a successful transition from prison to suitable accommodation in the community.
Address: Parnell Place,
Parnell Street,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 317 199
Email: dbartley@focusireland.ie
Aftercare (Focus Ireland)
This residential service provides short-term accommodation to young people who have been in the care of the state while the support & settlement service works with young people who are living independently for the first time or are preparing to do so.
Address: 7a Catherine Place,
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 405 300
Email: infolimerick@focusireland.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Corporate House
Service for opiate users living in Clare, Limerick & North Tipperary. 5 clinic sessions Mon-Fri. Walk-in assessments on Mondays. Outreach harm reduction service. Needle exchange & counselling service for 14-25’s
Address: PO Box 486
Corporate House
Mungret Street
Co Limerick
Phone: 061 469 140
Local Authority Contact
Housing Department,
Town Hall,
Market Square
Co Longford
Phone: 043 334 3300 / 043 334 3375
Email: housing@longfordcoco.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Bethany House
Multi-unit hostel/refuge for women and children, which operates on 24 hour basis.
Address: Knockahall,
Dublin Road,
Co Longford
Phone: 043 334 8136
Email: bethany.house@svp.ie
St. Martha’s Hostel
Provides temporary accommodation for men. Also offer support and links to other service providers. Open 24 hours.
Address: Knockahall
Dublin Road,
Co Longford
Phone: 043 33 480 62
Email: stmarthas.hostel@svp.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Re Nua
Assessment, counselling & educational information for people with Alcohol & Drug problems & their families. Referral to other appropriate agencies for treatment & rehab. Opiate treatment service, psychiatric assessment & treatment. Alternative therapies, harm minimisation, family support & rehabilitation.
through MRDTF & MQI.
Address: Re Nua Treatment Centre
St. Vincent’s Hospital
Co Westmeath
Phone: 090 648 3190
Email: sec.cadsathlone@hse.ie
CADS (Community Alcohol & Drug Service)
Counselling assessment and treatment for individuals & their families concern about their alcohol/drug use or gambling. Psychiatric assessment & treatment. Alternative therapies . Methadone Maintenance Programme. Referral to other appropriate agencies for treatment and rehab. Access to the counselling and psychiatry service is by G.P. referral. Access to the Methadone Service is G.P. or self-referral.
Address: CADS
Community Mental Health Centre
Old Dublin Road
Co Longford
Phone: 043 334 6992
Email: johnny.murphy@hse.ie
Local Authority Contact
Louth County Council
County Hall
Phone: 1890 202 303
Email: homeless@louthcoco.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Drogheda Homeless Aid Association Ltd
Service for men who are homeless.
Address: 35 North Strand,
Co Louth
Phone: 041 983 4492
Email: emmamoore.dha@gmail.com
Web: www.dha.ie
Gatehouse Project (Simon Communities)
Provides accommodation for rough sleepers. Also provides meals and general support.
Address: Seatown House,
Seatown Place,
Co Louth
Phone: 042 933 9583
Email: info@simondundalk.ie
Web: www.dundalksimon.ie
Women’s Aid Refuge
Accommodation for women experiencing domestic violence, also providing support.
Phone: 042 933 3245
Email: info@womensaiddlk.net
Web: www.womensaiddundalk.net
Drogheda Women’s and Children’s Refuge Centre
Accommodation for women experiencing domestic violence, also providing support.
Phone: 041 984 4550
Email: twoods@droghedarefuge.org
Web: www.droghedarefuge.org
Supported Accommodation
Drogheda Homeless Aid Association Ltd
Provides resettlement and tenancy sustainment, including care planning, home support services etc.
Address: 35 North Strand,
Co Louth
Phone: 041 983 4492
Email: info@dha.ie
Web: www.dha.ie
The Crescent Project
Provides a supported home for four adults with an intellectual disability who find themselves homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Address: Seatown House,
Seatown Place,
Co Louth
Phone: 042 933 9583
Email: info@dundalksimoncommunity.com
Web: www.dundalksimon.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Market Street Health Centre
Addiction Services
Address: Market Street
Co Louth
Phone: 042 939 4000
HSE Drug Addiction Service
Assessment, Support, Detox, Counselling, Onward Referral, Outreach Service, Substitution Treatment, Psychosocial interventions, Social &/or occupational reintegration, Harm
reduction & Crisis Intervention.
South Louth
Address: 11 Chord Road
Co Louth
Phone: 041 984 3531
North Louth
Address: Market Street Health Centre,
Market Street,
Co Louth
Phone: 042 9394000
Local Authority Contact
Housing Section
Mayo County Council
The Mall
Co Mayo
Phone: 094 902 4444
Email: Housing@mayococo.ie
Tenancy Sustainment Officer: 094 905 2007
Opening Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m/ 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Mayo Women’s Support Service – Safe Ireland
Refuge accommodation available in Castlebar, made up of family and single units.
Address: Breaffy Road,
Co Mayo
Phone: 094 902 5409 / 902 7519 / 087 656 9672
Email: mwss@eircom.net
Web: www.mayowomenssupportservices.com
Transitional Accommodation
Mayo Women’s Support Service – Safe Ireland
Service provides 6 units of Transitional Support Housing in Ballina and Castlebar for women and children
Address: Breaffy Road,
Co Mayo
Phone: 094 902 5409 / 902 7519 / 087 656 9672
Email: mwss@eircom.net
Web: www.mayowomenssupportservices.com
Residential Rehab
Hope House
The 30 day programme adopts a holistic approach and provides individual and group counselling, family counselling, educational input, relaxation, meditation and spiritual enrichment.
Address: Hope House Addiction Treatment Centre
Phone: 094 925 6888
Email: info@hopehouse.ie
Local Authority Contact
Housing Department,
Meath County Council,
County Hall,
Co Meath
Phone: 046 909 7000
Email: housing@meathcoco.ie / info@meathcoco.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
St. Brigid’s Hospital
Addiction Services
Address: Kells Road
Co Louth
Phone: 041 685 3264
Residential Rehab
St. James Camino Network
Services for people suffering from Alcohol Addiction, Gambling & Drug Addiction.
Address: Meadowbrook
Cloncurry Cross
Co Meath
Phone: 046 954 9241/ 087 2195283
Email: info@caminonetwork.com
Tabor House
A 10 bed residential secondary addiction treatment centre.
Address: Trim Road
Co Meath
Phone: 046 907 7909
Email: info@taborhouse.ie
Local Authority Contact
Monaghan County Council,
County Offices,
The Glen,
Phone: 047 30500
Email: info@monaghancoco.ie
Nuala Woods, Senior Executive Officer, Housing Department
Phone: 047 30515
Email: nwoods@monaghancoco.ie
Supported Accommodation
Prevention, Tenancy Support and Sustainment (Focus Ireland)
The service provides settlement support to households who are moving out of homelessness and into a new home by supporting them in physically moving into new homes as well as providing supports like accessing entitlements and facilitating access to health and budgeting services.
Address: 494 North Circular Road,
Dublin 1
Phone: 01 894 2724
Email: James.Donelly@focusireland.ie
Local Authority Contact
Offaly County Council,
Aras an Chontae,
Charleville Road,
Co Offaly
Phone: 057 934 6800
If you are homeless, rough sleeping or at risk of becoming homeless you need to present in person to the housing section of Offaly County Council where your individual case can be assessed.
Homeless clinics are available daily in the housing section of Offaly County Council from 10.00am to 12.30pm.
Contact: Caroline Dempsey
Phone: (057) 934 6800
Email: c.dempsey@offalycoco.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Emergency Accommodation Service (Simon Communities)
Short-term accommodation with self-contained units (male only). Referrals need to be made via Offaly County Council.
Address: Midlands Simon Community,
P.O. Box 27,
Co Westmeath
Phone: 090 644 4641
Email: info@midlandssimon.com
Local Authority Contact
Housing Department,
Roscommon County Council,
The Courthouse,
Co Roscommon
Phone: 090 663 7100
Email: housing@roscommoncoco.ie
Catherine Finlay, Administrative Officer
Phone: (090) 663 7242
Email: cfinlay@roscommoncoco.ie
Christina Fannon, Administrative Officer
Phone: (090) 663 7231
Email: cfannon@roscommoncoco.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Primary Care Building
A service for under 18’s with drug or alcohol problems or those affected by parental drug or alcohol misuse & over 18’s who have drug problems.
Address: Primary Care Centre
Golf Links Road,
Roscommon Town
Co Roscommon
Phone: 090 6665000
North Roscommon Contact:Karen
Phone: 087-6538201
South Roscommon Contact:Mary
Phone: 087-2220380
Local Authority Contact
Housing Section,
Sligo County Council,
County Hall,
Co Sligo
Phone: 071 911 1111
Email: housing@sligococo.ie
Web: www.sligococo.ie/Services/Housing
Homeless Liaison Officer
Phone: 071 911 1177
Email: homeless@sligococo.ie
Out of Hours:
Sligo Social Services
Charles Street
Co Sligo
Phone: 071 914 5682
Email: info@sligosocialservices.ie
Web: www.sligosocialservices.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Maryville Hostel
Provides supported short-term accommodation with 15 beds for single men and women over 18. Provides one to one support, home management advice, counselling etc.
Address: Finisklin,
Co Sligo
Phone: (071) 916 1688
Finbarr Sweeney
Phone: 087 272 4779
Email: finbarr@sligosocialservices.ie
Transitional Accommodation
Shalomar Hostel, Finisklin Housing Association
Short-term accommodation comprises 17 single bedrooms and 4 semi-independent rooms. Cooking and laundry facilities are available.
Address: Shalomar Hostel,
Co Sligo
Phone: (071) 915 0707
Email: fhasligo@gmail.com
Supported Accommodation
Maryville Annexe
Four bedroomed independent unit of housing, with access to support services in Maryville Hostel. For single men (ages 25-60) with difficulties with tenancy sustainment.
Address: Finisklin,
Phone: (071) 916 1688
Long-Term Accommodation (Focus Ireland)
This service provides supported housing for single people, families and couples who have identified support needs. The service provides either on-site or visiting support to people who are in vulnerable situations or living with issues such as mental health or other health difficulties, and who may not be able to sustain their tenancy in their own home without this housing support.
Address: 2 Wine St, Sligo, F91KO93
Phone: (071) 91 56873 / 56874
Email: jamesonm@focusireland.ie
Tenancy Support and Sustainment (Focus Ireland)
The service provides settlement support to households who are moving out of homelessness and into a new home by supporting them in physically moving into new homes as well as providing supports like accessing entitlements and facilitating access to health and budgeting services.
Address: 2 Wine St, Sligo, F91KO93
Phone: (071) 91 56873 / 56874
Email: sligoservices@focusireland.ie
Local Authority Contact
Homeless Persons Centre
HSE Offices,
Kenyon Street,
Phone: (067) 46503
Homeless Clinics
Kenyon Street, Nenagh – Tuesday 10:30-11:00
Gaol Street, Roscrea – Wednesday 10:00-10:30
St. Mary’s Health Centre, Thurles – Wednesday 2:00-2:30
Must bring ID, be in receipt of social welfare, referral details or contact details of previous accommodation.
Catherine Cleary, Community Welfare Officer
Phone: (067) 46504
Majella Madigan, Resettlement Worker
Phone: (067) 46503
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Cuan Saor
Provides emergency short-term accommodation for women and children. Service also provides child care, group support programme, education & training, and aftercare.
Address: 3 Jervis Place,
Parnell Street,
Phone: 052 612 7557 / 1800 576 757 (24 hr freephone)
Web: www.cuansaor.org
Addiction/Rehab Residential Care
Coolgreaney House
Non-residential service caters for those with addiction issues who are homeless.
Address: Queen Street,
Phone: 052 612 6533
Email: frank.costigan@hse.ie
Supported Accommodation
South-East Simon Tenancy Sustainment
Service helps people who are experiencing issues that might lead to them losing their home. Helps with a range of things from managing money, finding support with child care, how to set up and pay bills and other useful advice.
Address: 2 Brighton Place,
o Tipperary
Phone: 052 617 2742
Email: info@southeastsimon.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
North Tipperary Drug & Alcohol Service
Addiction Services
Address: Kenyon Street
Phone: (067) 465 12
South Tipperary Substance Misuse Service
This service offers low threshold, easy access to a wide range of responses in an effort to assist individuals and/or their families, as well as the wider community, in dealing with the issues of Alcohol/Substance Misuse.
Address: St. Michael’s Unit
South Tipperary General Hospital
Phone: (052) 617 7900
Residential Rehab
Aiseiri Cahir
Residential Treatment Centre for adults and their
families who are affected by addiction
Address: Townspark
Co Tipperary
Phone: (052) 744 1166
Email: info@aiseiri.ie
Local Authority Contact
Housing Department,
Waterford County Council,
Bailey’s New Street,
Co. Waterford
Phone: (076) 110 2020
Email: contact@waterfordcouncil.ie
A person wishing to avail of Homeless Services must present themselves to the Customer Service Desk at Bailey’s New Street, Waterford, between 2pm-4pm and meet with the Homeless Services Officer. The Homeless Services Officer will make an assessment and refer a person, if necessary, to an Emergency Accommodation Provider.
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
McGwire House Hostel (St. Vincent de Paul)
Provides emergency short-term accommodation for men. Training and support services are available, along with meals.
Address: Bath Street,
Waterford City,
Co Waterford
Phone: 051 879 930
Oasis House
Women’s Refuge offers safe emergency crisis accommodation to women and women with children, along with providing support and medium-term supported accommodation, court accompaniment, 1:1 advice & support and outreach services.
Address: 72 Morrisson’s Road,
Co Waterford
Phone: (051) 370 367/ 1890 264 364 (helpline)
Contact: Claire Coughlan, Manager
Email: claire@oasishouse.ie
Tinteán Housing
Provides short-term accommodation for homeless families. Support is also provided.
Address: 25 Virginia Cresent,
Hennessey’s Road,
Co Waterford
Phone: (051) 844 076 / 086 382 7387
Short-term Accommodation (Focus Ireland)
This service provides short-term accommodation and supports people who have been homeless to address issues that may have contributed to their becoming homeless in the first instance and prepare them for moving on to independent living. Referrals currently only accepted from Waterford Homeless Action team.
Address: Presentation Development Centre
Mitchel Street
Phone: 058 435 70
Email: cowaterfordservices@focusireland.ie
Waterford Homeless Action Team
Waterford Homeless Action Team
Bailey’s new Street
Contact: Catherine Finn, Chairperson
Phone: 051 309900
Addiction/Rehab Residential Care
Ceim Eile
Ceim Eile provides a nine bed 2nd stage addiction unit for single men. Staff provide support in developing skills and residents are supported in moving on to independent living.
Address: 1 Glencara,
Phone: 051 370007
Email: info@aiseiri.ie
Saor Programme
C.E. scheme for people in recovery from substance abuse. Provides relevant training and education.
Address: Millennium Youth & Community Centre
Church Road,
Phone: (051) 351 594
Email: wryspecialce@gmail.com / saor@wstcys.ie
Contact: Kelley Hail
Supported Accommodation
Spring Gardens (Respond!)
Accommodation is provided for approximately 6 months, for single women with a child or who are pregnant. Support and aftercare services also provided. Referrals are through Waterford County Council.
Address: 20 Spring Gardens,
Co Waterford
Phone: 051 840 200 (Respond Waterford office)
Email: info@respond.ie
Long-Term Accommodation (Focus Ireland)
This service provides supported housing for single people, families and couples who have identified support needs. The service provides either on-site or visiting support to people who are in vulnerable situations or living with issues such as mental health or other health difficulties, and who may not be able to sustain their tenancy in their own home without this housing support.
Address: Presentation Development Centre
Mitchel Street
Phone: 058 435 70
Email: cowaterfordservices@focusireland.ie
Tenancy Support and Sustainment (Focus Ireland)
The service provides settlement support to households who are moving out of homelessness and into a new home by supporting them in physically moving into new homes as well as providing supports like accessing entitlements and facilitating access to health and budgeting services. Referrals currently only accepted from Waterford Homeless Action team.
Address: 10a Waterside
Waterford City
Phone: 058 43 570
Email: cowaterfordservices@focusireland.ie
Leaving Institutions (Prison/Care)
Aftercare (Focus Ireland)
This residential service provides short-term accommodation to young people who have been in the care of the state while the support & settlement service works with young people who are living independently for the first time or are preparing to do so.
Phone: (051) 840 041
Email: cowaterfordservices@focusireland.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Provides assessment & addiction counselling for persons who are concerned about their alcohol &/or drug use & counsel for concerned persons of alcohol & drug users. The service also provides support & advice on other forms of addiction. Access to the service is through self-referral, GPs and other sources.
Address: Brook House,
Cork Road,
Co Waterford
Phone: 051 842 790
Residential Rehab
Aiseiri Ceim Eile
Provides continuing care for clients, if required, following completion of their residential programme.
Address: Glencara
Phone: (051) 370 007
Email: info@aiseiri.ie
Local Authority Contact
Housing Department
Westmeath County Council
County Buildings
Mount Street
Co. Westmeath
Phone: (044) 933 2287
Web: www.westmeathcoco.ie
Email: housing@westmeathcoco.ie
Kieran Butler, Social Worker for Housing
Phone: (044) 933 2287
Email: kieran.butler@westmeathcoco.ie
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Temporary Emergency Accommodation Mullingar (TEAM)
Unit for women and children who are homeless.
Address: Teach Fáilte,
Green Road,
Co. Westmeath
Phone: (044) 934 9340
Email: info@teachfailte.ie
Esker House Women’s Refuge
Provides accommodation and assistance for women children who are experiencing domestic violence. Counselling and information on legal, housing, and medical matters is provided.
Address: Retreat Road,
Co Westmeath
Phone: 090 647 4122
Email: info@eskerhouse.ie
Emergency Accommodation Service (Simon Communities)
Self-contained units in Athlone, with 24 hour access.
Address: Midlands Simon Community
P.O. Box 27,
Co. Westmeath
Phone: (090) 644 4641
Email: info@midlandssimon.org
Supported Accommodation
Regional Support Service – Homelessness (Simon Community)
Supports people to source suitable accommodation and maintain their home, along with assisting people to return to employment and education.
Address: Midlands Simon Community
P.O. Box 27,
Co Westmeath
Phone: 090 644 4641
Email: info@midlandssimon.com
Slí Nua (Simon Community)
Seven supported housing units, where residents have daily contact with social care worker or full-time volunteer.
Address: Midlands Simon Community,
P.O. Box 27,
Co Westmeath
Phone: 090 6444 641
Email: info@midlandssimon.com
Local Authority Contact
Wexford County Council,
County Hall,
Co. Wexford.
Phone: (053) 919 6000
Email: customerservice@wexfordcoco.ie
Housing Social Work Team
Phone: (053) 919 6000
Regular Clinics – Meet the Housing Officers
All clinics will be by appointment only commencing week beginning 28 January 2019. You can contact the numbers below if you need an appointment:
Municipal District | Clinic Day | Appointment Contact | Clinic Times |
New Ross | Tuesday morning | 051 421 284 | 09:45 – 12:45 |
Enniscorthy | Tuesday afternoon | 053 923 3540 | 14:00 – 16:45 |
Gorey | Wednesday morning | 053 948 3801 | 09:30 – 12:30 |
Wexford | Thursday morning | 053 919 6254 | 09:30 – 12:30 |
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Wexford Women’s Refuge
The Refuge is a purpose-built facility, providing 24hr. emergency accommodation for women and children effected by Domestic Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.
The Refuge also provides:
24/7 Freefone Helpline
Court Accompaniment
Drop-in one-to-one support
Address: Wexford Women’s Refuge
Maudlintown Wexford
Phone: 053 912 1876 / 1800 220 444 (freephone)
Email: office@wexfordwomensrefuge.ie
Ozanam House Hostel (SVP)
Hostel for men who are homeless.
Address: Thomas Street,
Co Wexford
Phone: 053 912 1440
Email: ozanam.hostel@svp.ie
Supported Accommodation
Tenancy Support and Sustainment (Focus Ireland)
The service provides settlement support to households who are moving out of homelessness and into a new home by supporting them in physically moving into new homes as well as providing supports like accessing entitlements and facilitating access to health and budgeting services.
Address: County Hall,
Phone: (086) 779 3877
Email: swarner@focuireland.ie
Residential Rehab
Aiseiri Roxborough
The centre offers treatment to adults and families affected by addiction.
Address: Roxborough,
Co Wexford
Phone: (053) 914 1818
Email: info@aiseiri.ie
Local Authority Contact
Wicklow County Council
County Buildings,
Wicklow Town
Phone: (0404) 20 120
Email: housing2@wicklowcoco.ie
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 9.00am – 3.30pm
Emergency/Short-Term Accommodation
Wicklow Homeless Five Loaves Drop In Facility
Provides daily support services, including the provision of meals, shower and laundry facilities, sleeping bags, tents, clothing, food supplies, along with education and training opportunities.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10am-4pm
Address: 5 Albert Walk,
Co Wicklow
Phone: (01) 204 0960 / 087 172 2599 (Tommy Gordon – manager)
Ben O’Brien – 085 862 0221
Email: info@whfiveloaves.com
Web: www.whfiveloaves.com
Bray Women’s Refuge
Crisis accommodation is provided for women and children escaping domestic violence. Refuge provides support and information to women as well as delivering external outreach programmes.
Phone: 01 286 61 63
Email: info@braywomensrefuge.com
Transitional Accommodation
Ark Housing Association Ltd
Provides a transitional housing programme. The facility can accommodate up to six people and is open to males aged eighteen and over. The programme links in with addiction, counselling and other related services in the Bray area. Service users must be registered as homeless with the local authority and must also be registered on the social housing list.
Address: 1a Crannagh,
Old Court Park,
Soldiers Road,
Co Wicklow
Phone: (01) 204 0960
Email: info@arkhousing.com
Web: https://arkhousingbray.com/
Residential Rehab
Tiglin Residential Treatment Centre
Facilities include accommodation for up to 25 men & 11 women.
Address: Ashford
Phone: (0404) 400 10 / (0404) 496 83
Email: manager@tiglin.ie
Web: www.tiglin.ie
Addiction Counselling Services
Arklow Community Addiction Team
Outreach Harm Reduction Services. Other services on-site
include health promotion and drop in services.
Address: 9A Upper Main Street
Co. Wicklow
Phone: (040) 233 577
Outreach Team: John Craven- 086 859 0734
Karena Keogh- 086 604 0348