Focus Housing Association - What we do

We deliver homes, change lives, regenerate communities and support our tenants.

We deliver homes

Delivering public housing is how we will address our housing and homelessness crisis and that is why we are committed to playing our part in delivering high-quality, sustainable homes for individuals and families across the country.

We do this through collaboration with Local Authorities, partnering with contractors and acquiring homes directly.


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Abbey Court, Nenagh, Tipperary

We support those without a home

While most of our tenants do not require additional supports, some of them do. We support our tenants with complex needs who require supports to sustain their home and maintain their tenancies. As a Housing First provider, we work closely with Local Authorities across the country to deliver these supports and secure, permanent accommodation.

John's Lane West ,Dublin.

Our work

At Focus, we are more than a homeless charity and a housing association. We provide additional supports to enable our tenants to live independent lives. We do this through a series of initiatives, including:


In collaboration with state agencies, such as Tusla, and Local Authorities across the country, we support young care-leavers aged 18-23, who need additional support to sustain their home.

PETE (Preparation for Education Training & Employment)

Our PETE programme is a preventative service that offers those affected by marginalisation and experience of long-term homelessness access to mainstream education or employment.