VHI Women's Mini Marathon

June Bank Holiday Sunday June 2 - 12.30pm

Run, jog or walk for Focus Ireland this year and fundraise to support people across Ireland who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

The theme for this year’s race is #ForMeForYouwe’re asking you to take part for you, and for people affected by homelessness.

Register for your spot on the VHIWMM website, set up your fundraising page as part of your signup, and let us know you’re running for Focus Ireland by filling out the form here.

We’ll send you a Focus Ireland running top so everyone knows you’re supporting us on the day of the race!

Event Information

The race takes place on Sunday June 4 2023 and will cover a 10km course around Dublin City.

How to sign up:

1. Register for the event on the official Women’s Mini Marathon webpage here.

2. Set up an online fundraising page in aid of Focus Ireland here.

3. Let us know you’re taking part by emailing events@focusireland.ie or by filling in the form above. Our fundraising team will be in touch to arrange sending out a Focus Ireland t-shirt to wear on the day.

4. Start your fundraising and training.

5. Join the start line on June 4 for your 10k!



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