Ring of Kerry Cycle July 2024

Every one of us has a right to a place we can call home.

Not just a roof over our head, but somewhere we feel settled, safe and secure, and can build our life and future. Yet in Ireland today, more and more people are becoming homeless. Over 55,000 people have been homeless in the last ten years. Right now, there’s a record total of over 15,000 people homeless, with even more people at risk. The number of families in emergency accommodation has doubled in the last two years alone. Over 5,000 children don’t have a home.

By cycling for Focus Ireland in the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle you help us get people into homes, and end homelessness in Ireland for good.


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Event Information

When you’re made homeless and end up on the street or in an emergency hostel or hotel your world collapses. You lose your bearings, your family, and friends. It’s crushing, not knowing what the future holds, with no privacy, your children living in a hotel room with no place to even play, taking a toll on your mental and physical health.

It’s difficult to get back up again. It strips away your hope and dignity. And that could happen to many more thousands of people around us, who don’t have family or friends in a position to help.

At Focus Ireland, we’re doing all we can to turn the tide and end homelessness for good.

A bed for the night, or a hot meal, is not a solution. People need homes. Every day we’re helping people get back their hope for the future, providing advice and information, preventing people from losing their home, or helping them get established in a new one.

With your support, every day we’re helping individuals and families get back on their feet, Our committed staff support individuals and families dealing with past issues to stop them from becoming homeless in the first place, and work alongside people coping with problems to help them stay in their home.

On top of that, we actually provide people with homes across Ireland, through our own Focus housing association, modelling different ways to build and manage suitable housing for those who need it.

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We won’t ever give up on people, standing with them as they fight to get and keep a home. We won’t ever let them lose hope for the future and for their children.

But we can’t end homelessness without your compassion and support, standing up for people in dire circumstances, whose world has collapsed. Every person or family secure in a new home is a step forward, while we work towards an end to the wider housing crisis.

Please, cycle the Ring of Kerry for Focus Ireland and help us get people into homes, and end homelessness in Ireland for good.

We’ll send you a Focus Ireland Cycling Cap, pair of funky cycling socks and provide fundraising supports that will help you reach your goal. If you reach €150 in your fundraising, we’ll have a Focus Ireland Cycling Jersey for you at the event!

Get in touch at events@focusireland.ie

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  • Date: Saturday, July 5 2025
  • Registration Fee: €100
  • Focus Ireland will provide support and fundraising material


  • Dedicated fundraising page
  • Funky cycling socks and cap to wear on the day