Help protect families who are being made homeless, today.

When Ben received that Eviction Notice, he was sure that this nightmare could only last a few weeks. But that was not the reality.

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How do you explain homelessness to a child?

Ben and his young family had been living in their Cork home for over eight years when Ben opened a letter one day that tore his world apart. These are the words he read.

‘I regret to inform you that due to the sale of the building, you will now have to vacate your home.’

Like every parent who is currently trying to survive homelessness, Ben and his wife’s sole focus was on protecting their children. Especially their eight-year-old son Jake.

Supporters like you have thankfully helped Jake, by making it possible for a specialised Focus Ireland Child Support worker to give him the ongoing emotional care he needed, leading to them getting a house of their own.

There are so many more families affected by homelessness, please give what you can today.

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Your support is one of the few things that is actively helping families to escape homelessness – every single day.

Please help protect more families at risk, before they become trapped in a never ending spiral of homelessness.

Ben’s personal story is a perfect example of what is happening right now to hundreds of families all over Ireland. The number of people in homelessness is higher now than it has ever been before. There are over 11,988 people living in emergency accommodation, with many more uncounted who are sleeping on sofas or sharing overcrowded dwellings with family or friends.

Focus Ireland is establishing specialist teams, whose sole focus will be to provide families trapped in homelessness with the immediate practical and emotional support they need to survive. But we can only do that with your help.

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